Managing Your Work with Sheets - Self Paced- Course Assets Problem

I am currently trying to access the course assets from this training, anytime I click the link that is supposed to allow me to add the assets to my Smartsheet account I get taken to a page asking me to create my account. I already have an account, so I choose the log in option, which kicks me to the homepage of Smartsheet, with no assets added and no obvious way to get them.

Filling out the prompts to create an account just results in an email saying I already have an account. I can't complete the exercise for the quiz without the assets, so how can I actually get the folder added to my Smartsheet account?


  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Once you're logged in, don't close that browser tab. Then go back to the course, and click to download the content again. Then when the page opens, you'll already be logged in and should be able to receive a copy of the asset.


  • Unfortunately that doesn't help, clicking on the link always sends me to the exact same screen, no matter how many times I have logged in, or how many versions of the tab that I leave open. Logging in simply sends me to my home page, and the link in the activity sends me back to the same "Get Started with your Work Account" page, every time.

  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    That's all I have. Sorry.

    Mark each comment, including your own response, as not being the answer. That will cause your post to be placed back into the "unanswered" queue, and other community members will chime in to help.

  • Hi @JessicaFN

    There was an issue with the distribution links for exercises like this in the Smartsheet University, however this should now be resolved! Please try fully logging out of the Smartsheet application then log back in. This should re-set the authentication and allow you to access the assets as expected.


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