Six Month Production Planner

We are an operations based business and our production side of it is a 6 month window. We have an overall master list of product we aim to produce which is then split between 4 automated machines. It would be good to be able to have planner that has this overall list that is then split between 4 machines, broken into each month, then each week of that month and then each day of that week. Not only does it allow an overall plan, but also allows us to track and update progress back to the master list, if we are running behind or ahead of schedule.


  • Julie Fortney
    Julie Fortney Overachievers

    Hi Oscar,

    It sounds like what you're describing is something you could do with some reports and a dashboard.

    Once you set up your master list, you can create reports filtered by machine and timeframe and add them as widgets in your dashboard. You might also experiment with report grouping and summaries.