Automated update requests - Can I send individual rows (multiple emails) to the same email ?

Hello everyone !

Currently, when I send an automated update request, it sends one email compiling every rows that has the said email address.

Example :

Row 1 = something1 email =

Row 2 = something2 email =

Row 3 = something3 email =

Row 4 = something4 email =

Row 5 = something5 email =

In this case, once the automated update request triggers, it will send in total 2 emails : the email at will have 3 pages of forms to fill, and the will have 2 pages, all from the "Update request" button.

But what I want in my example is that a total of 5 different emails are sent, 3 to and 2 at Each row = individual email.

Is that something I can do on smartsheet ? Or it only allows compiled rows for the same email address ?

I hope I was clear in my question, thanks a lot in advance !


  • parulmishra
    parulmishra ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Shortcube

    As a workaround, You can try adding Placeholders {{ }} on your email message text . Placeholders in Alert someone or Update Requests actions in change-based workflows generate separate notifications if six or fewer rows are triggered simultaneously.

    But here as well if seven or more rows are triggered at once, the system removes the custom subject and body

    Parul Mishra