Formulas and Functions

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Master Column to Reference Answer from Multiple Columns

I am trying to find an equation that will help me reference text found in multiple different columns to a master column.

My "master column" is the column titled "SO Program". Based on the answers being submitted from my form, I would like the answers/text to to populate to the 'Master Column'.

So if 'SO Malaysia' is selected from column "SO Program - SOAP", I want that answer to populate to the master column "SO Program". If 'SO Hong Kong' is selected from column "SO Program - SOEA", then I want 'SO Hong Kong' to populate to the Master column.

Hopefully my request makes sense! Appreciate all the help!


  • Overachievers Alumni

    Someone might have a cleaner way to get there…. but here's what I'd do… (this assumes only one column will be populated)

    = IF(NOT(ISBLANK([SO Program - SOAF]@row)), "SO Program - SOAF", IF(NOT(ISBLANK([SO Program - SOAP]@row)), "SO Program - SOAP", IF(NOT(ISBLANK([SO Program - SOEA]@row)), "SO Program - SOEA", IF(NOT(ISBLANK([SO Program - SOEE]@row)), "SO Program - SOEE", IF(NOT(ISBLANK([SO Program - SOLA]@row)), "SO Program - SOLA",IF(NOT(ISBLANK([SO Program - SOMENA]@row)), "SO Program - SOMENA", IF(NOT(ISBLANK([SO Program - SONA]@row)), "SO Program - SONA", ""))))))

    Kelly Drake (she/her/hers)

    STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY| business optimization product manager

  • Hi Kelly! Thanks for your help on this. The structure seems to be working, but instead of populating text in the master column such as "SO Program - SOAF" - I want what the actual text in the field being populated such as "SO Ghana".

    Your column is populating based on the criteria you included, but I'm not sure how to get it to populate what the actual cell text is.

  • For example, I want the master column to populate this:

    I also forgot to mention that the other columns "SO Program - SOAF", etc. Are all dropdown columns

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