Data Shuttle Import Different from Source Data - Decimal Places Issue

Protonsponge ✭✭✭✭✭✭


I have a data shuttle workflow that I believed worked really well. However, today, while thoroughly examining some data, I discovered that the source data isn't an exact match with the imported data.

After investing a significant amount of time trying to determine the reason for this discrepancy, I believe the issue lies in the fact that the values in my source data are presented as whole numbers. However, upon closer inspection in Excel, I found that there are decimal places in the data. It appears that Data Shuttle defaults to rounding down, and when this is spread over thousands of cells, the differences add up to a significant discrepancy.

Source Data (Excel):-

Smartsheet data after DataShuttle

Before I go playing with my DataShuttle workflows, I wanted to get the thoughts of the community on how best to resolve this…

Would formatting my excel source data to 3 decimal places and re-importing resolve this or is there a different solution?

Very grateful for any thoughts/suggestions,


