Row Limit Change

Hi SmartSheet,

Did a release happen recently that expanded the number of rows allowed in a sheet past the 20,000 limit? If so, what is the new limit? Is there a communication that went out about it? I know this is on a RoadMap but have seen any updates on it.

Nick Blocker - Analytics Adventurer


Best Answer

  • Colleen Patterson
    Colleen Patterson ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    At Smartsheet Engage last fall they announced there would be a rollout of:

    • 5 million cells on a sheet (up from 500k)
    • Up to 1 million rows on a sheet (up from 20k)
    • Up to 1,000 columns on a sheet (up from 400)

    I had not seen the correspondence that this was live yet, but I know it is the direction they were aiming in.

    Smartsheet Community Champion and Ambassador

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