Freezing a result


i want to count the days between my machine is leaving and coming back.

i got a column with my departure date and coming back date. i'm able to count that easy one :) … where it's getting complicated is when i want to ''freeze'' ( and keep )the result of it when it's back or sold, but not freezing the count for other machine that are not back or not sold ( i got a column check box for sold machine) .

right now i got 2 columns to count the days : 1 for current machine out and another counting the days of the one who has come back for stats. and i want to murge them

Question : would i be able to put them in only one formula, to get only one column and keep the number of days for the current and the one who came back or been sold.

If yes, can you help with the formula please.

right now i got this. The part missing is to keep/freeze the result instead of deleting it. : =IF(OR(NOT(ISBLANK([Returning date]@row)), [Sold]@row = 1, NOT(ISBLANK([ Photo ]@row))), "", NETDAYS([Departure date]@row, TODAY()))


have a good day :)

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