Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Why am I getting a circular reference error when trying to input "N/A" for a blank value at row?

I have a survey form using the symbols columns for star-ratings. In the form, there is an additional star-rating question if a yes/no question is answered yes. So what this looks like on the sheet would be sometimes blank cells for that column depending on the answers selected. I want to have "N/A" input when the cell is blank (when that question didn't have to be rated due to a previous "No" answer). It appears that the IF(ISBLANK formula is the way to go; however every time I try I keep getting a circular reference. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

=IF(ISBLANK([Enhancement Rating - if a Process improvement]@row), "N/A", [Enhancement Rating - if a Process improvement]@row)


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