Is there a way to hide text in a Smartsheet cell?

I'm creating a data base for user credentials for the company on various online platforms from clients which needs to have passwords to access those platforms and I don't want everyone to be able to read those passwords but they do need access to the rest of the information and I'd prefer not relying on hiding and unhiding the column. Is there a way to format the password text so it shows dots or asteriks?


  • Jason P
    Jason P ✭✭✭✭✭

    HI @Ernesto Tapia

    I don't believe there is, basis of Smartsheet is as a collaborative platform. A licensed sheet Admin or Owner are the only two (from memory) to allow hide / unhide columns, this may be the best way. Next level up would be via the premium app Dynamic view where users only have access to allowable column/information.
