Formula to populate date from another cell if blank


I'm struggling with what feels like it should be a simple formula, so hoping the fabulous community can assist.

I need to copy the date from the Creation Date column to the Start Date column when it is blank and leave the existing date if it not blank.

All the formula's I've tried either give me a circular error or overwrite the existing date in the Start Date column.

This is the result I'm trying to get with a column formula (rather than manual entry or cell formula).

Any help would be appreciated!


Best Answer

  • EvanShortreed
    EvanShortreed ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Good Morning,

    I would add in a helper column to apply this formula

    =IF(ISBLANK([Start Date]@row), [Creation Date]@row, [Start Date]@row)

    Add in a helper column named: "Manual Date Input". This is where you would put in your manual dates like you have shown above. From there, your "Start Date" Column would have this formula in it to run the logic.


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