I keep getting "unparseable" ... what am I doing wrong?

I have 3 columns (A, B, C) with yes/no responses.

I want column D to return a response of "contractor" if the response to Column A = yes , Column B = yes, and Column C = no.

I have been trying:

=IF(AND([A]1 = "yes", [B]1 = "yes", [C]1 = "no"), "contractor")

What am I doing wrong? THANK YOU!


Best Answer

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    This looked correct to me, so I created a test sheet and pasted your formula directly in… works perfect for me.

    Did you copy/paste your formula into your post, or retype it manually? Maybe trying copy/paste back into your grid from your original post.


  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    This looked correct to me, so I created a test sheet and pasted your formula directly in… works perfect for me.

    Did you copy/paste your formula into your post, or retype it manually? Maybe trying copy/paste back into your grid from your original post.

  • Ummm… overnight magic! I have no idea why it didn't seem to like it last night, but when I opened up the sheet this morning, voila! It was working.

    Thanks for the confirmation, Carson - I appreciate it!

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