Formula for Counting Parent Rows based on a specific column criteria

I need a Countif formula to count the number parent rows that have a specific column value of > 37 , and another formula to count the number of parent rows with the same specific columns value of ,+ 37. Can this be done in the Sheet Summary? The issue is I have Children rows beneath a few Parent rows and I don't want those values included.


  • Hi @Dina,

    I have completed something similar using helper cells before.

    If you create a column in the grid that tracks the number of children a task has using the column formula COUNT(CHILDREN(Primary@row)), then you can create some summary fields in the Sheet Summary using the formula COUNTIFS function, using children tracker > 0 and the column you wish to count being > and < 37.

    I'd be more than happy to help further if you need.

    Cheers, Dave

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