Submitting new projects as the Owner

As owner of the Sheet, I submitted new projects into the Masterfile and I'm unable to see review my own projects, am I only allowed to see my team's submitted projects and not my own? Do I manually input it onto the Masterfile and will it count as a project on my dashboard? Is that how I need to submit projects, manually vs using the intake form like my colleagues?


  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Roxanne Basgen

    It sounds like you have a custom solution or a template that has somethings happening in the background. You should reach out to whoever set that up to provide you with some further guidance.

    Being the owner of a sheet wouldn't affect what you are describing. Make sure you are refreshing after submitting just in case that helps. Also, depending on the configuration, sometimes new rows get added after 10 blank rows after the last existing row. The explanation for that is long but sometimes I've had it where customers (and me!) just weren't scrolling down far enough.

    I hope that helps.


    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner