Subtracting data from more then 2 columns

Aimee Colton
Aimee Colton ✭✭✭✭
edited 07/23/24 in Formulas and Functions


I have been trying to subtract numerical data from three different columns, and I have tried

=[Submitted HRs]@row-[Lunch Time]@row-[Contracted HRs]@row and get invalid operation

I tried using parathesis

=([Submitted HRs]@row - [Lunch Time]@row) - [Contracted HRs]@row and get an invalid operation

I have also tried

=sum([Submitted HRs]@row-[Lunch Time]@row)-[Contracted HRs]@row) and get Unparsebale

Is there no simple formula for subtracting data?

BTW does it matter if one of the columns is a dropdown list of numbers?



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