Counting days of ticket open but starting at 0?

Jeremy Y O
Jeremy Y O ✭✭✭✭
edited 07/24/24 in Formulas and Functions

I asked this question before and got a solution but now it is counting starting at 1 instead of 0. this is the formula used

=IF([Date Closed]@row = "", NETWORKDAYS([Date Opened]@row, TODAY(0)), NETWORKDAYS([Date Opened]@row, [Date Closed]@row))

I tired using (today -1) but then it starts at -2. The date closed is an automation that captures the date based on if the status is changed to closed. The date opened is the created date option.

I would need it to say 0 if it is closed on the same day opened as smartsheet cannot track by the hour unless someone knows a way to do that.


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