Sheet Summary Formulas

Afternoon All!

I'm trying to figure out how to organize a formula for my sheet summary page. I need it to collect data from a column and tell me how many different numbers there are. It is for purchase orders, there are many numbers that are the same for each PO, but I need to track how many unique PO numbers I have in this column. The column is called PO Numbers. Is there anyone that can help me construct a formula to do this?

Best Answer

  • NickStaffordPM
    NickStaffordPM ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Make sure the column title is an exact match for what you have in the formula (even copy and paste the title heading in between the [ ] to make sure its exact with no extra spaces). This exact formula works for me on several sheets so I know it does work

    If you found this comment useful, please let me know by clicking one of the buttons below: Awesome, Insightful, Upvote, or Accepted Answer. Your feedback will assist others looking for the same information and also help me out.


    Nick Stafford


  • NickStaffordPM
    NickStaffordPM ✭✭✭✭✭


    Give this a shot?

    =COUNT(DISTINCT([PO Numbers]:[PO Numbers]))

    Let me know if it works.

    If you found this comment useful, please let me know by clicking one of the buttons below: Awesome, Insightful, Upvote, or Accepted Answer. Your feedback will assist others looking for the same information and also help me out.


    Nick Stafford

  • Hello there! I tried that one before and copy pasted the one you sent just to be sure I didn't make a clerical error on my first go around and still return an #unparseable error.

    Any other suggestions or reasoning on why this is happening?

  • NickStaffordPM
    NickStaffordPM ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Make sure the column title is an exact match for what you have in the formula (even copy and paste the title heading in between the [ ] to make sure its exact with no extra spaces). This exact formula works for me on several sheets so I know it does work

    If you found this comment useful, please let me know by clicking one of the buttons below: Awesome, Insightful, Upvote, or Accepted Answer. Your feedback will assist others looking for the same information and also help me out.


    Nick Stafford

  • That was it! When I originally did it I typed "PO Numbers" and I think I did in my post as well lol
    So it's working now :) Glad to know I was correct when I did it the first time! Thanks so much for the help!

  • Maybe you could help me with another one too?

  • I have a column named complete, and I want to track how many items are checked Yes.

    I'm currently trying to use


    But I cannot figure out the range/criterion values I need to use.

  • NickStaffordPM
    NickStaffordPM ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/25/24

    Sure, althought typically you should open an additional request for fastest response (I can still help you there too :)).

    You will do something like =COUNTIF([Search This Column]:[Search This Column],"Yes")

    If its a checkbox, use this

    =COUNTIF([Search This Column]:[Search This Column],1)

    If you found this comment useful, please let me know by clicking one of the buttons below: Awesome, Insightful, Upvote, or Accepted Answer. Your feedback will assist others looking for the same information and also help me out.


    Nick Stafford

  • Thank you so much! Worked like a charm! I believe that the issue I was having was including a space after the comma :)

Help Article Resources

Want to practice working with formulas directly in Smartsheet?

Check out the Formula Handbook template!