Review a Formula

I am trying to sum all noted columns and getting UNPARSEABLE. Help!

=SUM([A. Need for the Project/ Project Narrative]@row, [A. IPVE Need for the Project/ Project Narrative:]@row, [BONUS]@row, [B. Demonstration of Experience and Proposed Servic]@row, [B. IPVE Demonstration of Experience and Proposed]@row, [C. Demonstration of Commitment to Advancing Equity]@row, [D. Demonstration of Commitment to Include Resident]@row, [D. IPVE Demonstration of inclusion of surivors]@row, [E. HUD Priority Components]@row, [E. HUD Priority Components Part II]@row, [E. Housing First, and Low Barrier Services]@row, [F. Data and Fiscal Management Practices]@row, [G. Project Budget]@row)



  • Itai
    Itai ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Can you send a screenshot of the sheet? Are these all number columns?

    Itai Perez

    Reporting and Project Manager

    If you found my comment helpful any reaction, Insightful, Awsome etc... would be appreciated🙂

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