Alternative Formula to MAXIFS

Hi Smartsheet community!

I am trying to find the maximum value in a range with both Vertical and Horizontal criteria. I was able to get the answer I need for a similar column using SUMIFS to add all the values together. Now I need to find the max value (however, Smartsheet doesn't have the MAXIFS formula). Could someone help me turn my SUMIFS formula into a comparable MAXIFS-like formula?

Thanks so much!

=SUMIFS(INDEX({Database - API Historical Rooftops Range 1}, 0, MATCH([Partner Name]@row, {Database - API Historical Rooftops Range 2}, 0)), {Database - API Historical Rooftops Range 3}, >={BegThisYear}, {Database - API Historical Rooftops Range 3}, <={End-0})



  • heyjay
    heyjay ✭✭✭✭✭

    Consider looking up =MAX(COLLECT


  • Thanks @heyjay! I tried that, but can't seem to get it to work… Would you be able to help me out?

    For some more context:

    {Database - API Historical Rooftops Range 2} is the partner name and is the horizontal criteria

    {Database - API Historical Rooftops Range 3} is the date timestamp and is the vertical criteria. I have this in the criteria 2x as I am trying to find dates within the current year. Happy to do this a different way if that's easier.

  • heyjay
    heyjay ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/30/24

    Let's try this:

    {Database - API Historical Rooftops Range 1},
    {Database - API Historical Rooftops Range 2}, [Partner Name]@row,
    {Database - API Historical Rooftops Range 3}, >={BegThisYear},
    {Database - API Historical Rooftops Range 3}, <={End-0}

    The template is for anything with Collect formula usually goes like this:


    then copy line 3 as you add more criteria.


  • I am getting an #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET with that formula…

  • heyjay
    heyjay ✭✭✭✭✭

    ={BegThisYear} and <={End-0}

    These needs to be a cell like BeginDate@Row and EndDate@Row, these cannot be a reference. Update these with your value criteria.


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