Report Filters


I am trying to create a task list report for our team members using data from multiple client sheets. Ideally, each person would have their own report that shows them what they need to complete related to each client. I would like the report to show only their tasks (plus parent rows) that are either past the deadline date or in the next 14 days. This may be irrelevant, but in the sheet, I have this formula in my Row Level helper column with conditional formatting:

=COUNT(ANCESTORS([SOW Item or Task]@row)) + IF(COUNT(CHILDREN([SOW Item or Task]@row)) > 0, "+", "")

I have screenshots below of the filters I've set up and the trouble I'm running into. If this report belonged to Jason, it is showing him tasks assigned only to Katherine, which I do not want. What am I doing incorrectly in my filters?

Here, it shows that he is also seeing Katherine-only rows.

Please let me know what else you may need to help with this. Thank you!

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