Stacked Bar Charts in Smartsheet


  • Mark Gerrish
    edited 07/31/24

    Thanks @Genevieve P. ,

    This is good to know so thank you for the update. I'm interested to know what the threshold is for review as surely function comes before form around a data centric platform such as Smartsheet?

    If it can be revisited and urgency/point rating upgraded somehow? Your website features clearly show stacked graphs as part of your sales approach and offerings as "Essential features" for dashboards. This is clearly misleading, as its not possible!

    Good to know Smartsheet acknowledge it as an essential feature in this day and age though, so hopefully you and others can advocate for this feature to be implemented ASAP?

  • Hi @Mark Gerrish

    I've split this comment thread so we can continue discussing this without the additional alerts to all the other commenters on that thread. 🙂

    Stacked graphs are possible in Smartsheet! Is this what you are looking to do? You may need to tweak how the data is configured in your source sheet to get the data to map properly, but you can do both stacked Bar and stacked Column charts.

    An easy way to show this may be to take a look at one of the Template Sets in the Solution Center, for example:
    Personal Budget Management

    The Idea posted was regarding combining charts, so having a line across a bar chart or an additional axis to graph dots on top of another chart.

    In regards to updates, Smartsheet is always looking for ways to improve. I would suggest subscribing to the Release Notes page to be notified of new releases, as well as perhaps applying to be a part of the Early Adopter's Program to get ahead of the roadmap.


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