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Ready Status Solved - I hope this helps everyone

edited 08/02/24 in Best Practice

I've seen a lot of posts with people trying to figure out how to parse out predecessors so that they can set the status of the next task to "Ready" or something similar. I came up with a solution that worked for me, I figured I'd share it. This solution takes care of the various dependency types and lead/lags.

1) Create an Auto Numbering column ("ID")
2) Create a Column to get row numbers ("Index"): MATCH(ID@row, ID:ID, 0)
3) Create a row number column for each non-FS predecessor type you plan to use:
a) FF Index = Index + "FF"
b) SS Index = Index + "SS"
4) Create a multi-select Helper column ("Dependency Helper"): SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(Predecessors@row, "FS", ", "), ",", CHAR(10))

5) Create multi-select columns for each dependency type you plan to use:
a) FS Dependencies: JOIN(COLLECT(Index:Index, Index:Index, HAS(Dependencies@row, @cell)), CHAR(10))
b) FF Dependencies: JOIN(COLLECT([FF Index]:[FF Index], [FF Index]:[FF Index], HAS(Dependencies@row, @cell)), CHAR(10))
c) SS Dependencies: JOIN(COLLECT([SS Index]:[SS Index], [SS Index]:[SS Index], HAS(Dependencies@row, @cell)), CHAR(10))

You will now have all of your dependencies separated by type and all lags removed. You can use this to build out status logic however you'd like. Below is an example for setting a Task to "Ready" if all FS Predecessors are 100% complete and all SS Predecessors are greater than 0% complete:

=IF(COUNTM([SS Dependencies]@row, [FS Dependencies]@row) = COUNTIFS(Index:Index, FIND(@cell, [FS Dependencies]@row) > 0, [% Complete]:[% Complete], =1) + COUNTIFS(Index:Index, FIND(@cell, [SS Dependencies]@row) > 0, [% Complete]:[% Complete], >0), "Ready", "Queued")


Vince K.


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