Importing Data into existing sheet

Anyone know the benefit of using data shuttle when the only option is to import from another Smartsheet? Why cant I use it to import from Excel or CSV? I'm currently importing from excel to a Smartsheet, however each time I do this, the sheet saves with a new name and I have to go retrieve it. This is counterintuitive when I need the same sheet to update its respective dashboard. It might even be easier to just change the Dashboard widget than to go through all these hoops. Am I missing something here?


  • Amanda Fulbright
    Amanda Fulbright ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Anne!

    You might want to take the learning track for Data Shuttle found here. I use Data Shuttle to import data from Google Sheets and it works really well. I haven't tried Excel or CSV since we have Google Workspace, but I imagine it works similarly. Do pay attention to the column mappings and make sure that the column headers aren't changed in your source data. That has happened to me several times and it does break the mapping.

  • Thank you so much for the suggestions Amanda! I only have the option to use Smartsheet for imports with the version we are on, but thank you for helping me at least explore options.

  • @AnneSh Hi Anne! Exactly as you called out, when you're using the "Import from Excel or CSV" option it's always going to create a new sheet. If you have one sheet you want to keep updating and use as a source for reports / dashboards, you can create a Data Shuttle workflow to continually merge in changes from updating Excel or CSV files into the same sheet in Smartsheet.

    Danielle W.

    Product Marketing
