Hello - I am wondering if anyone has successfully created a Purchase order form?

anything basic would work. Just something we can send to vendors showing items/cost/ Quantity and total cost. I would prefer to have the cost and quantity to have a built in formula that creates the total cost, but I am not sure if that is currently available on the forms.

Something similar to the picture below.


  • James Keuning
    James Keuning ✭✭✭✭✭

    Smartsheet forms are used to collect information. Basically a way or organizing fields that users fill out.

    This looks like a report. Reports are used to retrieve information. Yes, you can create a report like this.

    So you might use a form as a place where a customer enters the information they want to order, and then you create a report of that information. You can send the customer a link to the report.