Notification sending to both people not just 1

Jeremy Y O
Jeremy Y O ✭✭✭✭
edited 08/05/24 in Smartsheet Basics


I have an automation set up to notify certain people if text is entered into the cell. While both parties can enter in text into the cell I only need it to notify person 1 when person 2 enters in text. Currently it is still sending notifications to both themselves and person 1 when person 2 enters in text. Person 2 is somebody who has admin access and can view the sheet while person 1 cannot access the sheet and only receives requests emails.

The automation I have set up to notify person 2 is…

TRIGGER - when internal notes cell (text cell) changes to any value

CONDITIONS - Cell 1 is checked, Cell 2 Dropdown is either A or B, and mod by cell is not Person 2.

ACTION - Send the notification to person 2.

The mod by cell is the modified by column type and what i used for Person 1 notification automation and it worked perfectly. I would prefer if I don't have to add another helper column as I already have 50+ columns of helper and data columns. I know dynamic view is an option but it is currently not in budget.


  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Jeremy Y O

    If I understand correctly, you only want to notify Person 1 if the [mod by] is by Person 2.
    In that case, I would add another condition to check if the [mod by] is by Person 2.

    The demo sheet below uses a helper column [Modified by Person 2] for simplicity, but you can add a condition like the image at the bottom if you do not want to use another helper column.

    You can test how the automation works by accessing the sheet and changing Person 1 and 2 in the Sheet Summary fields.

    No use helper column [Modified by Person 2]

  • Jeremy Y O
    Jeremy Y O ✭✭✭✭


    Would this work for if they need to communicate back and forth? sometime person 2 may send a note to person one using the text cell and then person 1 may send one back and then person 2 has to respond again. It could be over 4-5 times of back and forth. Also person 2 would not have an email in the sheet as the automation is set up to directly email them instead of finding it off the sheet.

  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Jeremy Y O

    You can use the Update Request automation.
    In the workflow below, Person 1 is set up directly by email. Since Person 2 can access the sheet, the person changes the text cell, which sends an update request to Person 1 when all the conditions are satisfied.

    The cell history shows the back-and-forth between the two people.

    Update request example