All 24 workflows became invalid today

I was the original owner of this sheet with 24 automations which have been working for months. I went on leave of absence for 6 weeks and ownership was transferred to someone else who doesn't know smartsheet. I came back a week ago and everything was still fine. Suddenly today I got 24 emails (and so did the owner) for each one of the automations that a workflow became invalid.

Example email:

One or more blocks in this workflow is invalid. Please edit the workflow to see more details. This workflow has been deactivated. To reactivate this workflow:1. Open the Automation menu at the top of your sheet and select Manage workflows...2. Edit the workflow named "Contracting: New contract request sent from PSR notification ", make any needed corrections, and re-save the workflow. Regards, The Smartsheet Team

Obviously something changed in the sheet that broke all of these automations. The owner said he didn't touch anything. One other admin said he didn't touch anything. Any idea what could have caused this? All of the columns seems to be in place.

Best Answer

  • Deborah Kramer
    Answer ✓

    Ok, problem solved. Our IT changed the way we sign in. Instead of an email and password, we sign in via Microsoft. I have no idea why, but that messed up these automations. The fix was to go into each automation that said "unable to run" and hit edit, and then hit save. We tested one automation and it ran as planned, so fingers crossed that was all that was needed.


  • Ok, I now have one more piece of information. Apparently another team took a copy of our sheet to customize for their purposes. Could these notifications be coming from the copied sheet if they didn't rename it? We're trying to test to see if any of the automations still work.

  • Deborah Kramer
    Answer ✓

    Ok, problem solved. Our IT changed the way we sign in. Instead of an email and password, we sign in via Microsoft. I have no idea why, but that messed up these automations. The fix was to go into each automation that said "unable to run" and hit edit, and then hit save. We tested one automation and it ran as planned, so fingers crossed that was all that was needed.