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Update Request for Specific User

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have a large project sheet with multiple people assigned to various tasks. I want to send out a weekly update request, but don't want to have to select each row for each different user, as these change as a project moves along.

I have several people outside my organization where update requests work perfect for them being able to update without having accounts.

Is there a way to send out a update request for ALL items assigned to each User, without selecting each line item, or be able to select from a list of users on a project?


  • Hello,

    Not yet—currently, update requests can only be manually sent out or somehow automated through the Smartsheet API. (If you have developer resources available, check out the API documentation here: https://smartsheet-platform.github.io/api-docs/)

    Let me assure though, it's coming. We're looking to release automated update request functionality this year that will allow you to send an update request out to someone in a contact list column in your sheet when certain conditions are met. 

  • Glenn Riese
    Glenn Riese ✭✭✭

    This functionality will also resolve a similar issue I am having with changing owners to different line items within a master document that is hundreds of tasks and growing.



  • I am also very interested in this functionality as it's a manual process today and not very easily scaled. What is the expected release date for this? Your earlier message said "this year" but it's almost the end of 2017. The only functionality I see like this is the ability to send an update request if a column changes, but that's not exactly sending a regular automated update request on a schedule.

This discussion has been closed.