Error exporting smartsheet to excel

I have been trying to export one of my Smartsheets into excel but am getting the error below. Can anyone assist with this? I was able to export other sheets similar in nature but not this one.


  • Zachary Ziegler
    Zachary Ziegler ✭✭✭✭✭

    A few troubleshooting steps I would try to take to see if it helps at all:

    - Sign out, then clear your browser cache, log in and try again.
    - Try using Smartsheet on a different browser.
    - See if another shared user can export to Excel.
    - Try on a different OS (if you are on Mac use Windows, or vice versa)

    Let me know if any of those fix the issue! If not, also let me know so I can try to think of what else may be causing it and how we can find a workaroud.

  • thanks for your comment.

    I tried first two options, - didn't work unfortunately.

    waiting on option 3

    option 4 is out of scope.

  • Zachary Ziegler
    Zachary Ziegler ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hm, maybe it is sheet-specific then. Can you try creating a duplicate of the sheet then exporting from there? The tidbit about being able to export other sheets is telling because I suppose in that case it isn't account-related but I was thinking maybe it was at the browser level which it doesn't appear to be. I would still see if other users are able to replicate the issue, but have you tried other export types, like to Google Sheets instead of Excel? You might be able to work around it by going from Smartsheet>Google Sheets>Excel if the export feature decides to cooperate that way.

  • My teammate was able to export it so I am done for now. Will need it next month. Hopefully it get auto-resolved by then.

  • I have been having the same issue for many days, have tried the above across the board and not working.

  • It's gotten even worse, now I am having trouble logging in too. The below continues to appear for several minutes.