Report is Not Recognizing Date Column - Cannot Use a Filter

Joan Brewer
Joan Brewer ✭✭✭
edited 08/07/24 in Smartsheet Basics

Hello! I am trying to create a report that filters based on a date from a sheet. The report is not recognizing the source sheet column as a date column, so when I create a filter based on the date, nothing appears. I validated that it is not recognizing the source column by filtering by "is a date", as well as many of the other date filters.

I have tried making a new date column in the source sheet to see if it was something with the original one, but it still does not work on the column.

Best Answer

  • Joan Brewer
    Joan Brewer ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I figured it out. The sheet the formula was pulling from did not have the Date column set as a 'Date Column Type'. Once I changed that, the sheet I was working on was able to recognize that column data as Dates. Then the report worked.

