Company Directory that employees can update

I want to create a company directory (name, phone, email, address) that employees can update on their own without allowing them into the actual sheet. I know I can use a form, but how can I prevent new rows being added?

The solution I have right now is to have a workspace that contains 2 sheets. One sheet is the official Company Directory which is only accessed by our HR Dept. The other sheet is "Updates from Employees" which is fed by a form that employees can access on our intranet. They would update their information by submitting the form, which would create a new row on the sheet. HR would be notified of that new row via automation, they would open the sheet and then copy/paste the information into the official Company Directory sheet. I know my team would prefer not to have to do the manual part of this process, so I'm coming here for advice to see if there's a better way. Please let me know!


  • Good Afternoon,

    You can accomplish this two different ways:

    1. Make a dynamic view if your plan has this feature and apply "current user" filter to it. Then you would provide the link to that dynamic view to the employees.
    2. Make a report looking at the main sheet filtered down to "current user". Only thing to keep in mind is that the individuals will need to be shared to the main sheet.