Whenever you setup a Dynamic View for a report, it does not currently pull in the underlying URL related to the Sheet Name column from a report (all that shows is the name). It would be very useful for this functionality to be updated so that if users did want to navigate to a source sheet, then they could just use the link directly from the dynamic view, just like how reports work.
Our specific use case is that we want to use Dynamic View to create a "Current User" dashboard so that project team members can see all of the tasks they are assigned across all of their projects. We've accomplished this via general reports, but reports tend to provide too much access since they can change the filters and potentially update rows on projects that they ultimately should not have access. The only reason we aren't using Dynamic View for this is because users wouldn't have a way to link directly back into the underlying sheet (i.e. Project Plan, RAID logs, etc.) that the task stemmed from.
I'm assuming that MAYBE since dynamic view is supposed to prevent the need for someone being shared the source data, that they wouldn't want these direct links available. However, I feel like this could be more of a program decision and if you don't want users to access the source data from Dynamic View, then you just wouldn't add the Sheet Name as a viewable field.
It would be incredibly useful to change the sheet name data column from static to a clickable URL. Having the URL would help save my colleagues/customers time navigating from their various plans to the dynamic view. It is a URL on the report the DV is built out of, but not the DV.
Ha! Was just trying to set up a dynamic view version of a report that had the 'sheet name' column. The URL wasn't clickable in the view, but I remembered it would be in the details panel… except it didn't show up… I was baffled. Then realized sheet name wasn't actually a column in the underlying sheets. Google search and here I am.
YES, adding the ability to click sheet name URLs from the dynamic view would be VERY helpful. As system continues to build out… its these basic elements that would make functionality so muhc better. (Being able to click any URL from the dynamic view would be great… without having to use the details panel.)