How can I share a dashboard with "current user" reports embedded?

Hi everyone,

I need some guidance on permissions for a dashboard I'm building.

I've built a dashboard with data, reports, and pertinent text that is intended to be shared with external users. These are unlicensed, non-company employees.

The embedded reports on the dashboard show project-specific data, and I only want it to display projects that the current user is assigned to.

Each embedded report has a "current user" filter. On the dashboard, the viewer mode is set to "their own perspective."

If I assign myself to a test project and open up the dashboard, everything displays fine - and it only shows me the test project that I'm assigned to.

If I publish a link to the dashboard and open it that way, all of the reports are blank with an error saying it needs to be viewed / opened in Smartsheet. My publish permissions on the dashboard are set to "available to anyone with the link".

I am trying to avoid adding each individual user to the dashboard as that will be cumbersome to manage. I thought publishing a link would solve the problem, but it appears users would still need Smartsheet access to be able to correctly view the reports.

Am I missing something? Is there a better way I can be sharing this dashboard that will still display the "current user" view on the reports?

Thanks in advance.


  • Matt Lynn-PCG
    Matt Lynn-PCG ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Andrew Ryback

    The "My" functionality doesn't work on a published dashboard. It has to be shared to a Smartsheet user who has an account (licensed or free collaborator). If you're sharing to "anyone with the link" that means literally anyone can open the dashboard on any browser etc; if they're not logged in how would the dashboard know who's looking at it? The only way for Smartsheet to know who's looking at it is if they login so it can associate the user looking at it to the names/accounts listed on the rows they're assigned to.

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