Duplicate email addresses when sharing a sheet

Hello all,

When I share a sheet and start typing the contact name, I occasionally see duplicate email addresses for a contact like this:

My Smartsheet contacts in my profile do not contain any duplicates. This issue happens on either Edge or Chrome. Any ideas?


  • Leroy Noriega
    Leroy Noriega Community Champion

    I'm assuming is a bug of some sort, Smartsheet should not have duplicate contacts. If this happens within a workspace I would create a report to pull all the files containing his name and then group to see if there is any off set. I would also replace all contacts containing his name (within the report) with the first contact option to keep it consistent throughout the workspace to see if that fixes the issue.

    Leroy Noriega | Smartsheet SME | Independent Smartsheet Consultant

    Core App, Project Management and System Administrator Certified🏅

    E: leroy.noriega@yahoo.com | Linkedin Profile

  • duslakm
    duslakm ✭✭

    I'm having this same issue. There isn't a duplicate entry in the contact list, but occasionally one will appear in the email or contact field.