Finding duplicates

Finding duplicates so that I can use conditional formatting to highlight the duplicates.

Why am I not getting the 2 in the "find duplicate" column? I also tried =if(countif([ref. no.]:[ref. no.],[ref. no.]@row) >1,1). what am I doing wrong?

Thank you in advance,

Best Answer

  • RDRGSJ00
    RDRGSJ00 ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello SamprasFederer,

    The issue you are having is that Smartsheets adds an apostrophe to the front of 0's, so 020496 is actually '020496 so it is treating it as a text string (click in the cell and verify). If it is possible you can a helper column and use the VALUE function like this:

    =VALUE([Ref. No.]@row)

    This takes the value in [Ref. No.] column and turn it into a number. As you can see below:

    The first two columns are a mock-up of what you have [Ref. No.] & [Duplicates] and 020496 is not being flagged, the second two columns [Ref No Num] and [Ref Num Duplicates] is using the VALUE function and it converted 020496 to 20496 and it flagged it as a duplicate.

    I hope this helps.


  • RDRGSJ00
    RDRGSJ00 ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello SamprasFederer,

    The issue you are having is that Smartsheets adds an apostrophe to the front of 0's, so 020496 is actually '020496 so it is treating it as a text string (click in the cell and verify). If it is possible you can a helper column and use the VALUE function like this:

    =VALUE([Ref. No.]@row)

    This takes the value in [Ref. No.] column and turn it into a number. As you can see below:

    The first two columns are a mock-up of what you have [Ref. No.] & [Duplicates] and 020496 is not being flagged, the second two columns [Ref No Num] and [Ref Num Duplicates] is using the VALUE function and it converted 020496 to 20496 and it flagged it as a duplicate.

    I hope this helps.

  • Now I understand, thank you!

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