Parent rows with children in a report to look like a filtered sheet


I'm looking to have a filtered sheet like experience (picture A below) in a report with a parent and child look, but everything I have tried doesn't get me there.

The goal is to have the parent info and be able to expand or collapse the children so they aren't lost at the end of the report when you pull the information. Then be able to sort that information by vendor or facility priority.

Basically would love to have the report (picture B below) be able to show the children on the report instead of putting them at the bottom and not stating the parent they belong to cause we are sorting per priority.

Picture A

Picture B


  • Matt Lynn-PCG
    Matt Lynn-PCG ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Marvin Paisley this exact view/feature doesn't exist in a report. But within the report you can click "Group" and group it by Sheet Name, or Project Name (if you have that column in your sheets) and it will do a similar rollup/parent child like you want, but it will look different. I use helper columns (hidden) in my sheets all the time specifically for this type of grouping.

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