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Date Formats in automated emails

We need to have the ability to choose Australian date formats for the automated emails alerts. Only having the US date format causes confusion to Australian users.

2 votes

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  • we have exactly the same problem in Belgium and in Romania. in the automated email alerts the date format is USA. and this is independent from your personal settings ( all our personal settings are european, but in the automated emails the date is standard shown as USA format)

  • Hi I've got the same problem. My sheets show the correct data format dd/mm/yy as I've chosen in my Personal Setting (Australian English) but people who receive automated emails get a different format like mm/dd/yy, and that is creating a lot of confusing info expecially and date and months are number very close to. Any chance to get this problem fixed ASAP?

  • ✭✭✭✭

    I need to have an automation include the Long Date

    Day of the week/ Month / Day / Year.

    I'm able to set this formating in my sheet, but the format doesn't carry over when calling out the column in an automation.

  • Hi

    When automated emails are being sent, the date is in American format ie MM/DD/YYYY which is confusing as we are in the UK and require DD/MM/YYYY or for example today's date 12th December 2024. This is creating more work as people are querying the dates and I am having to assure that the dates are correct. Would be grateful if this could be fixed ASAP please :)

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