Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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"I currently have a Parent Child Sheet that goes down 3 Levels, in one of my columns I have number v

"I currently have a Parent Child Sheet that goes down 3 Levels, in one of my columns I have number values and I want to take the Average of the 3 values but I'm having issues incorporating the Level / Indent Field using the "IF" formula, I also don't know if this is better to user "Ancestors" or "Children". For now at the Level 2 entry I have this "=AVG(CHILDREN())", but I need I would prefer a column Formula where I could say IF Row Level 1 has Ancestors or kids then perform an average. I want to create a new column for this formula"


  • Community Champion

    Hi @Formula Amateur

    You can create a helper column to get the level. The formula you can use is =COUNT(ANCESTORS([Primary Column]@row)). This will give you 0 as a value for the parent, 1 for the child, and 2 for the grandchild. You can then use this helper column in your formula to get different average values.


    Aravind GP| Delivery Manager

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445


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