How to Combine multiple inspection reports into one row

We have a complicated project where we're collecting rooftop inspections with one platform, using Zapier to push it over into a Smartsheet, and from there I need to move these inspections into Salesforce as leads with the Salesforce connector.

The problem is, each roof section is coming in as one row. So we will have a single location with ten different inspections on ten different buildings. But it's only ONE lead. Here is a photo of some of the fields from my sheet.

The yellow rows really comprise ONE lead, so I need to find a way to aggregate them. There are multiple columns in this sheet, including a number of Yes/No questions and a URL to the report link.

However, not every location will have multiple roofs, so whatever I do will not apply to every single row.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to consolidate these rows so I can create a single Salesforce Lead?


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