Cross Link without Locking Cells


I have a main tracker (T1) and a sub-tracker used for only one team with limited view (T2). I need to link the tracking cells so someone can enter data on both sheets and it show up on T1. However, on T1 I have additional lines in the same column that require updating but will be locked if I try to run a column formula and data will be lost that is linked to projects not included on the T2 sheet.

Is there a better way to only link some cells within a column to another sheet? I tried using automation to run a formula when a certain selection was made but it didn't work.

Thanks in advance.



  • Matt Lynn-PCG
    Matt Lynn-PCG ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @COCB I'm only partially visualizing what you're describing. In short though, no you can't do anything in a column if that column is a column formula, other than that formula. If you want different things in that column you could put your cell links in and lock only those rows. Or you could put your cell links in a hidden helper column, then build that layer as an if() statement in your column formula so only those rows referenced the helper column while other rows did other things. That would still be a single (or set) predefined purpose(s) for that column formula.

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