Smartsheet Dashboard sharing with a group - fail

sanjayb ✭✭✭
edited 08/16/24 in Smartsheet Basics

Hey, Smartsheet community! I am hoping you can help me figure out why my attempt to share a dashboard with a user group is not working.

I have two different user groups I need to share a dashboard with. The dashboard is simply a list of shortcut links to Smartsheet forms.

Let's say person A is in group 1. I have given each group "Viewer" access to the Dashboard. But person A cannot access the dashboard. When they click on the link in the notification, the app says "The item may have been deleted or you don't have appropriate access permissions."

I was hoping to give the groups access to the dashboard to click on the Form links without giving them access to the sheets underlying the forms. I thought this was easy in Smartsheet.

What am I doing wrong?



Best Answer

  • sanjayb
    sanjayb ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I think I figured it out. I went to the Publish properties and toggled on Read Only and under "Access Control" I selected "Only available to users who are shared to the item." That seems to have done the trick.

    I don't understand why it didn't work with "Only available to users on the same Smartsheet plan as this item." These are users who are part of our corporate plan, albeit they are unlicensed (free) users. It worked fine when I shared the Dashboard directly with the user, but didn't seem to work when I shared it with the Group, of which the user was a part.

    If anyone has tested this in depth, I would welcome your insight!


  • sanjayb
    sanjayb ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I think I figured it out. I went to the Publish properties and toggled on Read Only and under "Access Control" I selected "Only available to users who are shared to the item." That seems to have done the trick.

    I don't understand why it didn't work with "Only available to users on the same Smartsheet plan as this item." These are users who are part of our corporate plan, albeit they are unlicensed (free) users. It worked fine when I shared the Dashboard directly with the user, but didn't seem to work when I shared it with the Group, of which the user was a part.

    If anyone has tested this in depth, I would welcome your insight!