Index collect = incorrect argument set

Hi there, I am using index collect and cannot understand why I am getting an error message "incorrect argument set"

=INDEX(COLLECT({Rack CMDB}, {Asset Tag}, [Asset tag]@row), 1)

Cross sheet references are connected to the same sheet.
Column format is Text/Number

Many thanks in advance




  • Matt Lynn#
    Matt Lynn# Community Champion

    @Sam Swain Not that this is any help other than confirmation: I copied your formula and replaced the references and it works for me… so that formula is correct as I suspected. Something other than the syntax is the issue. Either the references or underlying data.

    One thing I have had happen several times is when creating a reference I go faster than SS does and it creates a link to the correct sheet so the reference "works" but once it goes to the sheet it did not save the actual column. So by editing the reference (or recreating it even) and slowing down and making sure the sheet loads fully before I select the column (and confirm it's highlighted)… then it'll start working.

    That may not assist you, but maybe?!?!

    Matt Lynn

  • Sam Swain
    Sam Swain ✭✭✭✭

    "you're working faster than the computer, try slowing down"

    I knew it! 😂

    Re-referencing working though, thank you!

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