Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Creating an intake form for a task sheet which has tasks and sub tasks

My team's tasks sheet has a lot of columns, other than the usual Task name, start date, end date, status etc. To make the task entry easier, I am trying to create an intake sheet.

However, the sheet has both tasks and sub tasks, which make creating the form little challenging for me.

I am able to enter the tasks one by one through the form and then manually make the first task as parent.

Just wanted to know if anyone has better idea on this?



  • Community Champion

    @Sonnie Unfortunately no there's not really a better way or an auto way. The only suggestion I could offer to maybe help (just because I'm a visual person myself) is you could add a hidden helper column just as a Yes No or Checkbox column so on the form you can ask the question "Is this a parent" or "Is this a child" task… or you could make it a drop down with options of "Parent", "Child". Then put that drop down question on the form … then on your sheet build a conditional format on the sheet to indicate one or the other so you know what needs to be demoted.
    You could also add a hidden helper column(s) for =count(ancestors()) and =count(children()) then make that conditional format only highlight that row if it needed to be demoted but hadn't been demoted yet as a check and balance situation.

    Matt Lynn

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