Inviting New User from different Smartsheet Account - User is unware of existing account!


I am a System Admin on an Enterprise Account. When inviting a new user I received the following message:

The user has previously looked into Smartsheet independently over a year ago and advised they never used it.

To resolve this issue I'm thinking of advising the user to:

  1. Attempt to log into using the "Send me a code" option
  2. Advise them to following the "Cancel your Account" option.

Once confirmed I assume I can then add them as new user to our organisation's enterprise plan?

Is there an alternative approach to adding this user?




  • AravindGP
    AravindGP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Mark McGrath

    Your steps will work if the user does have an enterprise account in which they are a Sys Admin. Users will not have an option to remove themselves from the account otherwise. If the email is added to another Enterprise account, the Sys Admin of that account will need to remove them before you can add the user. You can reach out to Smartsheet Support to get the email address of the Sys Admin of the account that the user is currently linked to.


    Aravind GP| Principal Consultant

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445
