Why is the Date function not working?

I want to calculate the first day of a month based on the "created date" column. I tried using Year Function to get the year, then the Month to get the month
and last column calculates =Date(([Yearcolumn]@row),([Monthcolumn]@row),1)
year and month formulas are set on number format

What I am missing?


  • Victoria_Indimar
    Victoria_Indimar ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Manin! Are the Yearcolumn and Monthcolumn set to Date format? Is the column you have the formula in also set to the Date format? They all need to be dates to use the Year (from Yearcolumn), Month (from Monthcolumn), and Date formula.

    If Yearcolumn and Monthcolumn are just #s, then you don't need to use the year() or month() in the Date formula. Instead it would be just =Date(yearcolumn@row, monthcolumn@row, 1).

    If you are just going off the Created Date then it would be =Date(year([Created Date]@row),month([Created Date]@row),1).

    Hope this helps!

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