Project Intake Sheet and Project Metadata - Not Updating Yellow columns Automatically

edited 08/23/24 in Smartsheet Basics

I'm trying to figure out how the yellow columns with Start Date, End Date, Dashboard Link, Schedule at Risk and Project Status. Everything is updating except for the Start Date and End Date. Those are staying at the default of 12/19/19 and 2/11/20. Where are those supposed to be pulling from. I followed the instructions and linked those columns to the Project Metadata sheet like it said to do. Any help is appreciated


  • Matt Lynn#
    Matt Lynn# Community Champion

    @lbinz A screenshot might help me help you.

    Matt Lynn

  • Here is the Project Intake Sheet

    The instructions says to open the Project Metadata Sheet and link it to the Project Intake Sheet - same yellow columns. When opening the Project Metadata Sheet you will notice there are dates already in the Yellow Columns but they do not match the Target Start Date and Target End Date - so my question is where are these dates coming from? Support is telling me I need Control Center to use this PMO Office Template set.

  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson Community Champion

    Hi @lbinz

    Those yellow dates begin at the task level on the project plan. For your screen shot, the dates come from the sample project plan included in that template set which is linked to the Metadata sheet that links back to the Intake sheet. I know it sounds complicated but there's a reason for all that with Control Center. Below is the flow:

    Project Plan: Task dates→Milestone dates→Overall Project dates (top level parent row) -LINK to Metadata-LINK to Summary Rollup and/or back to the Project Intake Sheet.

    Support is correct, Template Sets like that are designed to be used with Control Center. It's possible to use it without, but the set up for each Project would be very time consuming and the risk for error would be high. Data confidence would be low. Control Center automates all that and eliminates the risk.

    How the Intake, Metadata, Summary Rollup, and Project Plans connect together is all customizable depending on how you want to use the tool. If you decide to go with Control Center, its highly recommended to connect with a Smartsheet Aligned Partner for set up help. And I'm not just saying that because I am one.😁

    I hope all that helps. Reach out anytime.


    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • Wished that would have been in their template documentation before we decided to use this template set. No where in the setup did it ever talk about Control Center being used.