View user activity / usage in the Smartsheet

How to see what a user has done within SmartSheet across a specific timeframe? is there a way to view user activity / usage on there?


  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/28/24

    Hi @Inka

    To view a user's activity or usage within Smartsheet across a specific timeframe, you can use the following methods:
    The Activity Log is detailed information for a specific sheet, while the Sheet Access Report is an account-wide report.

    1. Activity Log:

    • Accessing the Activity Log:
      • Open the sheet where you want to track activity.
      • Click on the "Activity Log" button on the sheet.
    • Filtering the Activity Log:
      • The Activity Log allows you to filter by specific users and actions (such as edits, comments, or sharing activity).
      • You can set a custom date range to view activities within that timeframe.
      • This log will show detailed information, including who made changes, what changes were made, and when they were made.

    2. Sheet Access Report:

    • You can use the Sheet Access Report feature if you have a Business or Enterprise plan.

  • Inka
    Inka ✭✭

    Hi @jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp

    Thank you for providing a response to the issue I am experiencing. However, I need a report that can give me information regarding all actions or activities performed by all users across all Smartsheets that have been shared with them. Is there a way to obtain such a report?

  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/29/24

    Hi @Inka

    To track all user actions across shared Smartsheets, you can use the Smartsheet Events API. This API retrieves events like create, update, delete, and access activities on sheets, reports, dashboards, attachments, and users.

    Using Smartsheet Events API for Activity Reporting

    1. Access the Events API: This API allows you to track various activities across your Smartsheet organization, including user actions and system events.
    2. Set Up Authentication: Ensure you have access tokens and that your account has the Event Reporting add-on, which is available only for Enterprise and Advanced Platinum plans.
    3. Retrieve Event Data: Query specific event types (e.g., create, update) and filter by date, type, or user. Some actions may show system user IDs instead of regular user IDs.


    • Premium Feature: Event reporting requires an add-on that is available for Enterprise and Advanced Platinum plans.
    • System User IDs: Some actions are associated with system-generated IDs rather than individual users.
    • Incomplete Event Coverage: Not all events may be tracked, especially for newer Smartsheet features.
    • Extensive Data Management: Handling and processing large volumes of data over time can be complex.

    For setup and further details, refer to the Event Reporting documentation, contact Smartsheet support, or consult a partner with a Solution Architect certification.

    Sample Event Data Image