I am after a template that is able to show multiple programs

Binxs ✭✭
edited 08/30/24 in Smartsheet Basics

Hi, hoping someone may be able to assist. Our team have multiple programs and I have been using Smartsheet to create dashboards for each program. We now want to move to have one interface that shows all programs together. Is there a template that I can use to create this??

Within our organisation some teams use tableau and the above is what we would like our programs to look like, but its very expensive to purchase a license and not something within our budget - so I'm wanting to create something similar in Smartsheet I'm just not sure if it can be recreated and with what template.


  • Almonto1
    Almonto1 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Binxs,

    I've been looking to solve for a similar issue and found the prebuild template called "Dynamic Dashboard with Form Filters" to be a good reference file for creating a dashboard that encompasses data from multiple projects and allows the user to drill down into project specific information by submitting a form that is nested within the dashboard. Following the submission, the dashboard will then be populated by the latest submission's filtered data.

    As I said, I am still working through creating the formulas and helper sheets for my own use case, but I'm happy to report back with more details as I develop my solution :)