Notification for compiled rows to run weekly unless there is no data

I need to create either a report or an automation that notifies a particular person if a certain field is check marked. But I would like this report or automation to run weekly. It should contain every row that is still checked, even if it has been over a week since the that action was taken. And I would also like for it to only send if there is something to send… i.e. if no rows have that box checked, nothing gets sent.

I first created a report, which was easy to set up and schedule the email. But we then had 3 weeks in a row with no data in it, and I couldn't find a way to only send when there was something to actually send.

So I considered it as an automation that would run weekly, but I figure that it is only going to pick up rows that got checked that week due to it needing to be triggered, so if a row stays checked for two or three weeks, it will drop out of the automation and won't be sent on that second or third week, correct? That would certainly allow me to be able to NOT send something if there was nothing there, but I can't figure this out.

Hope this makes sense!


  • Pauline J
    Pauline J ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @cnikkih

    It sounds from your description that you want a workflow to run that reports out rows with a checkmark in a specific column — no matter when that checkmark was entered? If that is true, then that is a simple trigger — setup a workflow that is sent if there is a checkmark in that column/row. If there are no checkmarks, then the flow would not run.

    If the checkmark, once entered, is never removed, then you would need some other trigger (perhaps a helper column) to work with the checkmark column to determine whether the row is included.

    I hope that helps.

  • cnikkih
    cnikkih ✭✭✭✭

    Yeah, I already have about 25 helper columns in this sheet to run the blue million automations I've created, lol. I was really hoping there was an easier way. I already built the automation you mentioned, but it does not pull the older rows when the checkmark has been there a while. It would be so easy if reports would just allow you the option not to send anything if there is no info in them.

  • Corey W.
    Corey W. ✭✭✭✭


    You should be able to accomplish this with automation. Use "When a date is reached" as your trigger with custom recurrence set as desired. Then use a conditions filter to only send rows that are checked. The rows that are checked for more than one week should remain until they are unchecked.

  • cnikkih
    cnikkih ✭✭✭✭

    Hmmmm… I wonder if I am doing something wrong somehow. I tried it using Days instead of weeks just to test it, and it did not work… the older rows fell off. I will start over and see if I notice anything I could do different.