Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Calculating past date from a January Birthday

I thought I had this all figured out a while back, until diving back in now I notice that a handful of my dates are not working correctly. I figured out it is all of the rows where the person has a birthday in the first couple weeks of January.

I want to take the birthday and create a date range that a survey can be completed (Birth date +/- 30 days). My formula is

=IF(OR([Current Visit]@row = "3 to 5 Year", [Current Visit]@row = "6 to 10 Year", [Current Visit]@row = "11 to 17 Year", [Current Visit]@row = "1 Year", [Current Visit]@row = "2 Year"), IFERROR(DATE(YEAR(DOB@row) + [Year End Age]@row, MONTH(DOB@row) - 1, DAY(DOB@row)), DATE(YEAR(DOB@row), MONTH(DOB@row), 1)), , ""))

If anyone might know where I could fix the formula, that would be very helpful! Thank you in advance.


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