Assigned to Automation

I have contacts added to the sheet, and automation that re-assigns tasks. For some reason, whenever an automation re-assigns a task, it switches it from their User ID to their email. The email does not work with the COUNTM syntax in the Allocation column, breaking the sheet. How do I assign it to their User ID instead of their email?


  • Amit Wadhwani
    Amit Wadhwani ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Taq98500

    From the information that you shared, it seems like the specific person is not added in your contact list. When you create this automation, do you see their name along with email address? See if you notice any difference between how Hubert and hcabrera@semech are shown in the list.

    Best Regards
    Amit Wadhwani
    , Smartsheet Community Champion
    Smartsheet CoE, Ignatiuz, Inc., Exton, PA

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  • It shows up correctly both in the automation and the sheet. Then it decides to automate the email instead of the contact

  • I tried re-adding them to the sheet. For some reason, it looks correct when I add them, but then it drops their contact ID after the invite goes out and only keeps the email, see second screenshot