Did Dynamic View links change recently? Broken web content widgets on Dashboard...

Emily Rodgers
Emily Rodgers ✭✭✭
edited 3:12PM in Smartsheet Basics

We just discovered a dashboard that had every web content widget with a 404 error. We noticed that the links have changed. When we switched to the new link, the widgets work again.

Old/Broken Link: https://dynamicview.smartsheet.com/views/[UUID]

New/Working Link: https://app.smartsheet.com/dynamicview/views/[UUID]

Note that the UUID is the same for both the old and new link. Anyone know when/why/what changed?


  • MHalvey
    MHalvey ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 4:09PM

    My team noticed this change this morning. We noticed it with Dynamic views embedded in WorkApps and in Dashboards. I believe this change happened overnight as all links to these views were working up to last night. I really hope someone from support chimes in as it has broken a few dozen of our processes that are internal and partner facing.

    I've put in a support ticket and waiting to hear back.

    Michael Halvey

    "Strive for Progress, not Perfection."

  • Brad Klodowski
    Brad Klodowski ✭✭✭
    edited 3:50PM

    Observed this as well. Every Workapp and Dashboard that we have embedded Dynamic Views on is now showing a broken link and needs to be fixed. This is a bit ridiculous for them to do without any sort of messaging to users ahead of time.

    Edit to add: It looks like they're doing a URL redirection on the old style links, so if you click a hyperlink to an old Dynamic View link it should work. The real issue is with them being embedded as web objects in WorkApps or Dashboards since those can't get redirected the same way.

  • Emily Rodgers
    Emily Rodgers ✭✭✭

    Yay for the power of the Smartsheet Community Forums!!! Looks like they either rolled the changed back or fixed it. All of our dashboards with the old links are working again!